While at University in my 2ND year we had to come up with an idea for a charity, only using guerrilla advertising. I had the simple idea for Peta of having a person dress up as an animal with a humand skin wraped around them as a coat and them walking down the street.
Today I went to my friend Gemma's graduation illustration show in Brick Lane. I had a good time looking at her work and also of the work for her fellow illustration class mates.
There were lots of pieces of work I really liked, here are some pictures of Gemma's work on show and also links to other illustrators that I also liked.
Some of the other illustrations I really liked were done by Julie Mackey and James Northcote. If you get the chance you must check out their blogs.
I love the new Gucci advert, its directed by Chris Cunningham, i think Its absolutely beautiful.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Source: Italia Vogue May 2009
The Guinness Surfer AD is one of my most favourite adverts ever!!!!!!!!!